Women's Health Month: Save 15% on Select Products -- Code: WOMEN15

Wake Up Your Immune System - MegaDefense

Wake Up Your Immune System.

It's pretty common place today to see people at the grocery store using the anti-bacterial wipes to clean the handle of the grocery cart or sitting down at a restaurant before a meal and using the anti-bacterial hand gel to disinfect our hands. But what about the germs and toxins that make it into our bodies? Pushing the buttons on the ATM machine or elevator, pumping gas, breathing the recycled air on an airplane, riding an escalator, to name a few, are all ways viruses, bacteria and toxins can enter our bodies and wreak havoc on our body's defenses.

The immune system is our body's armor against these invaders. However, it seems every day scientists discover hundreds of germs, bacteria, chemicals and pollutants that we come in contact with in our daily activities that contribute to, according to experts, a growing number of health threats and concerns. Continual exposures to these viruses, pollutants, bacteria and toxins may cause the body's defenses to be defenseless.

We need to minimize our exposure or help our body battle this burden. This is where MegaDefense comes in.


* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.