Mushroom Power
Blends of Mushrooms are More Effective Than any One Mushroom Alone
It is therapeutically best to utilize a blend of several mushroom species, because "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts." For one thing, it is easier for pathogens in your body to adapt and become resistant to one mushroom than to several. Secondly, each mushroom species has a unique arsenal of anti-infective and immunomodulating agents.
These special agents include:
* Polysaccharides
* Glycoproteins
* Ergosterols
* Triterpenoids
You might have heard the term "beta glucans." The agents listed above are precursors to the more complex compounds, beta glucans. It is the synergism between ALL of these elements that makes mushrooms so medicinally powerful when consumed as a whole food mycelium included.
Because mushrooms have such powerful immune-boosting effects, it isn't surprising that some have great potential for battling life-threatening conditions. Mushrooms with anti-tumor activity appear to increase the number and activity of killer T and natural killer (NK) lymphocytes, with no toxicity to healthy cells. Cancer cells are notorious for "hiding" from chemo agents. New research has shown that certain mushroom extracts help chemotherapy drugs better locate and identify cancer cells by "uncloaking them," thereby making chemo more effective.
This is getting some open-minded oncologists very excited! Medicinal mushrooms also strengthen your immune system if you are undergoing chemo, so cancer patients get a double benefit. The list of health benefits science is revealing to us about mushrooms is still growing, but thus far includes the following:
* Increased longevity
* Improved blood flow
* Cholesterol and blood sugar normalization
* Liver protection
* Kidney support
* Anti-viral
A carefully designed blend of medicinal fungi can deliver a powerful therapeutic punch, whether you just wish to help protect yourself from seasonal colds or flu, or you have a more serious condition. Either way, these special mushrooms can be an excellent adjunct to a healthful diet and lifestyle to improve your immune health.
Sources: J Cancer Research, J Nutrition,www.medicinalmushroom.net, et al.