Wai-Buzz Blog

Runny Noses in the Winter

Runny Noses in the Winter

Chilly air means sniffly noses. When we breathe in, our noses warm the air and add moisture to it as it travels down into our lungs. Cold, dry air irritates...

Runny Noses in the Winter

Chilly air means sniffly noses. When we breathe in, our noses warm the air and add moisture to it as it travels down into our lungs. Cold, dry air irritates...

Symptoms of Toxic Overload

Symptoms of Toxic Overload

As sophisticated as our body’s inners workings may be, an overworked detox system is often overlooked or regarded as something else entirely. And while your body is built to handle...

Symptoms of Toxic Overload

As sophisticated as our body’s inners workings may be, an overworked detox system is often overlooked or regarded as something else entirely. And while your body is built to handle...

High Toxic Burden Harms the Immune System

High Toxic Burden Harms the Immune System

The most significant detriment the immune system faces when the body has a high toxic load is a chronic, but low-grade inflammation that often goes undetected. It will quietly simmer...

High Toxic Burden Harms the Immune System

The most significant detriment the immune system faces when the body has a high toxic load is a chronic, but low-grade inflammation that often goes undetected. It will quietly simmer...

What Causes High Toxin Levels?

What Causes High Toxin Levels?

The top, most common environmental toxins are: Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS): Used in products like Teflon and Scotch Guard, PFASs are resistant to breakdown and are found in our...

What Causes High Toxin Levels?

The top, most common environmental toxins are: Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS): Used in products like Teflon and Scotch Guard, PFASs are resistant to breakdown and are found in our...

Ingredient Spotlight: Acai Fruit

Ingredient Spotlight: Acai Fruit

Acai berries are a Brazilian superfruit native to the Amazon rainforest where they are considered a staple. It’s only in recent years that they’ve gained popularity globally as more and...

Ingredient Spotlight: Acai Fruit

Acai berries are a Brazilian superfruit native to the Amazon rainforest where they are considered a staple. It’s only in recent years that they’ve gained popularity globally as more and...

Ingredient Spotlight: IM6 Full Spectrum Immune Complex

Ingredient Spotlight: IM6 Full Spectrum Immune ...

Pure, organic and patent-protected, IM6 Full Spectrum Immune Complex is considered to be the most technologically advanced immune blend for use in dietary supplements on the market today. Featuring a...

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Ingredient Spotlight: IM6 Full Spectrum Immune ...

Pure, organic and patent-protected, IM6 Full Spectrum Immune Complex is considered to be the most technologically advanced immune blend for use in dietary supplements on the market today. Featuring a...

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